高中焦点! La Crescent-Hokah公立学校

Feb 26 2024

La Crescent, Minnesota – a small town with a BIG heart for 文化交流 High schools partnering with NWSE that actively support 文化交流 programs play a critical role in fostering understanding, 学生的多样性和全球公民意识. 它们帮助学生拓宽视野, 欣赏文化差异, 建立终身的友谊. 在这篇博客中,我们将聚焦其中一个…… Read More »


Mar 28 2023

It is with highest honor that NWSE announces the student to receive NWSE’s first 戴尔·尼科尔森交换学生奖学金 Award for the 2023-24 school year. NWSE created the 戴尔·尼科尔森交换学生奖学金 in 2022 to spotlight and commemorate Dale’s devotion to 文化交流, and the passion, 她对外国交换学生的关心和承诺. 30年来,戴尔… Read More »


Oct 18 2022

One goal of 文化交流 is to connect and share with people from other countries and cultures. The Beasleys, NWSE寄宿家庭, and the Rueda Dujovnes family from Spain have taken this concept one step further than most, vacationing together in each other’s home countries at the end of the 交流项目 this past June. 他们称之为“30…… Read More »


Oct 17 2022

2022-23赛季即将开始, we are excited to announce that this is NWSE’s 35th year sponsoring 文化交流 programs! 为了庆祝这一里程碑, 我们要感谢所有的寄宿家庭, 交换学生, 国际合作伙伴, staff, coordinators, 美国各地的学校和学区.S. and around the world that have participated in and supported our program and … Read More »


Jun 10 2020

We can’t believe your NWSE program is coming to a close soon! Hopefully, you are already thinking about getting ready for your return home. 带着所有的期待, sadness, 兴奋之情越积越多, 事情可能会变得有点紧张. Don’t worry! 这是完全正常的! 这些感觉应该告诉你,你们已经变得多么亲密…… Read More »


May 13 2020

亲爱的NWSE社区, We are so proud of all of you for working together and making these challenging times a positive experience! You have created close bonds and friendships that will last a lifetime. This week’s newsletter updates you about the NWSE fundraising campaign, 建议更多有趣的活动, 你一直在等的是宣布… Read More »


Apr 30 2020

亲爱的NWSE社区, As promised, NWSE is back and here to support you with more suggestions for fun activities. We also want to thank everyone who participated in our video and TikTok contest – we are reviewing all your great videos and will announce the winners shortly! NWSE Tip: Students and host families can enjoy most of the activities we … Read More »

加入NWSE GoFundMe活动,支持学生交换

Apr 27 2020

支持NWSE GoFundMe活动,亲爱的NWSE社区,  The 西北学生交换 programs have been hit very hard by the coronavirus situation. We seek your support to help NWSE avert the full impact it will have on our programs. Already this year way too many of our students were forced to separate from their host families and schools, 看到他们的…… Read More »


Apr 02 2020

Press coverage of NWSE taken from an article by Dana Greyson, 刊登在3月31日的《澳门足球开户》上, 2020   EXCHANGE RATE: UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCES WITH INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS About six years ago, Vancouver mother Sara Hardy learned of a short-term 学生交流 opportunity through her twins’ school. Her family agreed to host two Taiwanese boys for just 48 hours. The … Read More »


Mar 30 2020

We hope you are enjoying the suggested activities during this period of school closures! 正如承诺的那样,我们回来了! NWSE will continue to suggest cool activities during this temporary coronavirus situation, 帮助你们保持积极的心态,并与彼此保持联系, 你们自己和你们的项目.   …. 赢得一张50美元的亚马逊礼品卡! 只要遵循… Read More »

NWSE三月通讯-每个人的活动! – Part 1

Mar 24 2020

亲爱的NWSE社区, We want to extend our deep appreciation and gratitude to you as all of us join together to navigate the current COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation. First and foremost, we need to remember that this is a temporary situation. In that sense, let’s remain forward-thinking and positive while doing what we can to meet the challenges at hand in … Read More »


“2019年ds - ds”照片亭
Nov 22 2019

For 32 years, 西北学生交换 (NWSE) has promoted 文化交流, 外语学习, and international education by offering meaningful and affordable 交流项目s for high school students from around the world.  High school 文化交流s foster international understanding and personal development, and provide new perspectives and insights into the world for everyone involved.   NWSE寄宿家庭志愿者开放… Read More »


Jun 25 2018

The school year is coming to an end, which means that you and other NWSE 交换学生 in the U.S. 世界各地的人们都在为你们的返乡之旅做准备. It’s difficult to know what to expect at the end of an 交流项目. 和大多数交换生一样, you are probably thinking about the homemade meal you have been craving, or about … Read More »